Monday, February 21, 2011



Parents:  Michael & Jackie Trueblood, the late Rusty Hall

Grandparents:  Jack & Sandy Knapp, Steve & Rita Trueblood, John & Suzie Hall

Siblings:  Caleb (21), Ethan (19), Zach (17), Lane (13)

Favorite Class:  Lunch

College Choice:  University of Southern Indiana

College Major and Future Plans:  Major in Pre-Chiropractic Care

Something Nobody Knows About Logan:  "I love milk!"

Logan's Favorite Basketball Memory:  The Food Fight

Other Sports:  Track, Motocross

Coach Dean on Logan:  Logan provides our team with such an array of options.  He's 6'5, but he's not your typical 6'5 high school basketball player.  He's long and athletic and runs well, which allows us to use Logan in our press and trapping situations.  Logan's athleticism and skills also allow him to play other positions on the floor.  Logan isn't just a Power Forward playing in the paint.  He can pass and dribble and shoot, so he can be moved out on the floor which provides a difficult matchup for a lot of opponents.  Aside from Logan's ability on the basketball floor, he's a great kid with a terrific attitude.  He works hard on the floor and in the classroom. 

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